Lumaki Masuto
Public images: 423
In a world of vivid fantasy, there exists a breathtaking masterpiece of cinematic allure, a full-bodied embodiment of sheer elegance. This enchanting being, an attractive girl with a radiant smile, an air of innocence, and an affectionate charm that is both endearing and youthful. She is a teenage vision, a whirlwind of colors and emotions, her skin a sparkly purl of mesmerizing hues, ranging from gold and red to flashy orange and deep, mysterious brown. Her eyes are like vast, glittering pools, reflecting the blues of the most profound oceans. Her lips are a tantalizing work of art, glistening with a wet-water allure, and her hairstyle is an explosion of colorful, wet-water waves that frame her captivating face.

With eyebrows like those of a colorful Elf from another world, and eyelashes that rival the most extravagant isekai tales, this girl possesses sweet cheeks that you can't help but adore. Her whole essence exudes a lovely, cute, and luxurious aristocracy that draws you in, leaving you utterly spellbound by her charisma.

Adorning herself in a high-tech military suit, she becomes the epitome of cyberpunk chic, where black and yellow are the main colors of choice. The suit, detailed to the nines, is a marvel of engineering, equipped with versatile multi-pocket storage and a smooth cotton texture. In this high-contrast world, she stands out with her neutral yet delicate background, akin to a space-age goddess.

Her ultra-photorealistic CGI skin practically glows with vibrancy, and a detailed halo of light surrounds her, casting colorful fantasies upon a transparent graffiti-lined background. Her outfit features intricate filigree metal designs that showcase her personality and flair. Her appearance oscillates between soft focus and sharp focus, revealing multilayered depths to her character and style. A relatively symmetrical visage, she is a legitimate wonder to behold in this captivating realm, where her beauty knows no bounds.
FULL BODY ,angles body,masterpiece,cinematic,gold,red,flashy,orange,brown,blue,dark,attractive girl(big-smile,innocent girl,affectionate,teen,colourful,rainbow,sparkly-purl-colorful skin,gorgeous,beautifull face,huge-glitter-eyes,lips,wet-water-hair,coloful-wet-water-attractive girl hairstyle, eyebrow , coloful Elf Isekai Ojisan eyelashs,Sweet cheeks,),lovely cute luxurious aristocracy,breathtaking-beauty ,simplify versatile Multi pocket smooth cotton texture ,Cyberpunk main color BLACK YELLOW,high tech military suit,(utral-detailed CG unity 8k wallpaper,best shadow),High contrast,(utral-illumination,utral-delicate,background),(cute,space,high technology-suit girl),godness,Ultra-photorealistic,CGI skin,detailed glowing halo,(colourful fantasy on transparent graffiti line background,dulux,caustic),intricate filigree metal design,soft focus,sharp focus,relatively-symmetrical, stylized,personality,multilayer depth,legit
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1024x1024 px
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1.58 MB
189 days ago